VAT compliance analyst
salary will depend on candidates experience
Job description
Prepare, analyse and submit various EMEA VAT returns and related filings; Prepare, analyse and submit Intrastat returns as necessary; Review of EMEA VAT returns and related filings; Participate in cross-functional projects; Prepare and Review month-end VAT account reconciliations; Assist with VAT registrations across various jurisdictions; Assist with VAT compliance queries from client businesses operating across Europe; Assist in the mapping of VAT processes, and identify areas for improvement and solutions for VAT issues; Provide internal and external audit support, including data analysis; Provide VAT compliance support to colleagues throughout the business and, in particular, accounting groups;
Employee requirements
Secondary with school-leaving examination
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Specialisation, field
Other unlisted areas
Language and language level
English - Upper intermediate (B2)
Other knowledge
Microsoft Excel - advanced
Personality requirements and skills
Experience with VAT compliance in EU jurisdictions or similar accounting experience Organised, analytical and methodical with attention to detail Able to take ownership of work and implement change, and demonstrate a problem solving approach Able to work to tight deadlines and under pressure Collaborate team player who is comfortable with a fast paced and dynamic environment
Information about the selection process
The number of job openings
A brief description of your client
International company
Your client's core business
Other unlisted areas
Contact person: Zuzana Švaňová
Email: [email protected]
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If you have any questions or comments about this "Privacy Notice" or wish to exercise your individual rights, you can contact us in writing either at the registered office of ManpowerGroup Slovensko sro, Landererova 12, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, or via the online form. "Submission of data subject request", which can be found here.